Homeostasis Massage Therapy

What To Expect

 I don’t like surprises & understand the unknown can cause anxiety, so here’s what to expect…

When scheduling, plan for your first appointment to be about 30 minutes longer than usual (1.5 hours for a 60 minute massage; 2 hours for a 90 minute massage) to account for completing new client paperwork and health history review. All information is private and confidential.

I will arrive to your address at the scheduled time and prior to setting up, I will have you review and complete a health history, a COVID-19 health intake, and an informed consent agreement. We will discuss your health history, I will answer any questions you have about the forms and/or the process, and we will discuss your goals for your session and strategize accordingly. I will wear a mask at all times to lessen the potential of COVID-19 transmission.

Payment is due prior to the beginning of the massage. Upon completion of all paperwork and finalizing session goals, payment will be provided and I will set-up my massage table. I will then provide instructions specific to your session before stepping out of the room to wash my hands while you get onto the table. When you’re ready, I will re-enter the room, situate a bolster for optimal comfort and request permission to begin your session.

Generally, I have clients begin face down on the table and help them turn over when appropriate. If you are uncomfortable laying face down, please let me know and we can adjust accordingly. During the session I will check-in on pressure and comfort. Depending on the modality, I may prompt you for more specific feedback related to pressure.

At the end of your session, I will remove the bolster and give you time to get up from the table while I step out of the room to wash my hands. When you are ready, I disinfect and pack up the massage table. If you would like to schedule another appointment before I leave, we can do so. Otherwise, you’re free to contact me at your convenience. Here are the forms each client must complete prior to the massage therapy session. 

Client Intake Form

Provides an overview of client health and injury history to ensure there aren't any medical conditions that would prohibit massage therapy. This form is completed by the client and reviewed with the massage therapist prior to the first massage therapy session. Any changes to medical history should be shared with the massage therapist. This form will be revised annually to minimize oversights.

Client Informed Consent Agreement

Outlines when massage is and is not appropriate, provides an overview of massage therapist policies, and gives written consent to receive massage therapy. This form is completed by the client and reviewed with the massage therapist prior to the first massage therapy session.

Health Status Update

Provides an update on how you feel in your body. This form will be completed by the client and reviewed with the massage therapist prior to each session to monitor and evaluate progress.

COVID-19 Health Information and Liability Waiver

Provides a COVID-19 check-in and authorization for massage therapy services. This form will be completed by the client and reviewed with the massage therapist prior to each session.

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